City of Salix, Iowa Regular Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2024


City of Salix, Iowa
September 11, 2024
Mayor Nelson opened the regular meeting of the Salix City Council at 7:00pm on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Council members present: Karen Allen, Nick Black, Denise Burkhart, Emily Clayton, and Cindy VanAuken. Others present: Kathy Brouillette, Ed Colyer.
Mayor Nelson led the council in a moment of silence in remembrance of events on 9/11/2001.
The Woodbury County Sheriff Report was reviewed by the council.
The first reading of Ordinance 2024-3, an ordinance amending revisions and additions to Chapter 51, Junk and Junk Vehicles with the addition of adding golf carts as a hobby vehicle was approved on motion from Allen, seconded by VanAuken. Roll call vote: Allen (aye), Black (aye), Burkhart(aye), Clayton(aye), VanAuken(aye).
Resolution 2024-9, a resolution approving a request for proposal from V&K for the engineering services related to scoping study, application development, cost-benefit analysis, design, bidding and construction observation services related to stormwater runoff collection, redirection and or controls and related components was approved on motion from Burkhart, seconded by Black. Roll call vote: Allen (aye), Black (aye), Burkhart(aye), Clayton(aye), VanAuken(aye).
August financial reports and claims were approved on motion from Black. Allen seconded. The council requested follow up from on evidence that a fiber optic repair may have caused the initial water leak. If so, the council proposes that the contractor responsible pays the bill. All ayes, motion carried. Claims approved: ACCO…chemicals…$591.80, BEKINS FIRE & SAFETY…extinguisher inspections…$43.00, CHN…garbage…$2808.75, CRARY HUFF…legal services…$1028.00, IA DNR…permit fee…$210.00, EFTPS…taxes…$1932.51, IA DEPT OF REVENUE…sales tax…$507.52, IPERS…retirement…$1260.94, JBE LLC…water help…$960.00, KAREN ALLEN…reimburse top soil…$12.71, KATHY BROUILLETTE…reimburse mileage…$20.03, LONG LINES…phone…$34.65, MENARDS…concrete, water and shop supplies…$50.09, MIDAMERICAN…electric…$1346.13, MIKE’S MINI MART…fuel…$124.81, SIOUXLAND UTILITY…water leak repair…$5920.00, SALIX FIRE DEPT…city hall electric…$29.67, SGT. BLUFF ADVOCATE…publication…$636.42, SIOUXLAND DISTRICT HEALTH…testing…$14.00, TRIPLE C PEST CONTROL…fogging…$1161.25, VERIZON…cell phones…$126.43, VISA…mower parts and office supplies…$532.91, WOODBURY COUNTY TREASURER…taxes…$356.18. PAYROLL…$2266.59 FUND TOTALS: GEN: $7,796.44, ROAD USE: $3,236.60, WATER: $9,819.50, SEWER: $1,121.85
Maintenance reports were reviewed by the council. Colyer identified 41 homes left to respond to the lead service line inventory. The council and Colyer will reach out to those residents. Colyer also reviewed a letter from Nick Lahrs regarding repairs needed to the East Lift Station. Colyer is still waiting for two more bids for repair. Mayor Nelson approved repairs not to exceed $15,000, council agreed.
Minutes from the August 14th council meeting was approved on motion from Burkhart. Clayton seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
The council reviewed an updated list of nuisances and asked Brouillette to send letters to those homeowners identified as needing to mow/weed or clean up junk/junk vehicles.
Brouillette announced that the City/Fire Department were awarded a check for $10,000 from Union Pacific Railroad to install two new AEDs (one at park and one at community center) and 10 storybook posts for the park.
Clayton will reach out to the Fire Department to see if we can do controlled burns on the ditches by the ballfield and behind St. Joseph Church.
Revenues received by fund for August 2024:
General: $5,711.43 Road Use: $2,346.82 Local Option Sales Tax: $4,998.69, Debt Service: $5,071.04, Water: $8,875.28, Water Sinking: $3,578.33, Sewer: $2,429.91, Sewer Sinking: $455.00. Total Revenues: $33,466.50
The meeting was adjourned at 8:48pm on motion from Clayton and seconded by Black.
Attest: Kevin Nelson, Mayor
Kathy Brouillette, Clerk
Published in the Sergeant Bluff Advocate weekly newspaper, Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024. The SB-Advocate is the Official Newspaper for the City of Salix and is an Official Woodbury County newspaper. (09/19/2024/NP)