Only American citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections


(SBA) - The right to vote forms the bedrock of our democratic republic and gives an important voice to the people — of which, by which, and for which our country was established, and President Lincoln so eloquently put during his Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863. Men and women in uniform have sacrificed their own lives to ensure that our nation could be free and that we all have the right to participate in our system of government. We can never forget their sacrifice nor take for granted the liberties and freedoms that we enjoy as Americans.

The right to vote is also a unique privilege reserved only for American citizens. This statement may seem non-controversial and straightforward, but unfortunately, there are lawmakers in Washington who believe that illegal immigrants and noncitizens should be allowed to vote in our elections. It’s not only an alarming notion, but also a serious concern for the integrity of our elections. Under his open-border policies, President Biden has allowed millions of illegal immigrants, drug traffickers, terrorists, and criminals to cross our southern border with no vetting whatsoever. Surely these same people could easily register to vote in our country since President Biden has rolled out the welcome mat for them and we have no true process to monitor where they go or what they do once they’re released — assuming they’re even detained in the first place.

That’s why — alongside the entire House Republican Conference — I voted for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act. This legislation would require proof of American citizenship to register to vote in U.S. elections and ensure that states remove noncitizens from their voter rolls. I don’t think it’s controversial to say that illegal immigrants should never be allowed to vote in our elections — and a large majority of the American people agree. However, while Republicans voted in unity to protect the security of our elections and prevent illegal immigrants from voting, 198 House Democrats voted against this commonsense proposal.

Regrettably, Democrats’ opposition to election and border security is not new. In fact, it’s par for the course. Last May, 211 Democrats voted against the Secure the Border Act to finish the wall, restore “Remain in Mexico,” and end radical “catch-and-release” policies. In January, 155 Democrats voted against legislation to deport illegal immigrants who defraud Social Security and 154 Democrats voted against legislation to punish smugglers, illegal immigrants, and criminals to the fullest extent of the law who engage in high-speed pursuits that result in the death or serious injury of a border patrol agent or American citizen. In February, 150 Democrats voted against legislation to deport illegal immigrants found guilty of driving while under the influence of alcohol. This May, 148 Democrats voted against legislation to detain and deport illegal immigrants who attack police and law enforcement officers. These votes make clear that Democrats vehemently oppose a strong border and safe communities.

In addition to my vote to ban illegal immigrants from voting in American elections, I also recently signed onto a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting answers from the Department of Justice over instances of illegal immigrants registering to vote and the lack of prosecutions of illegal immigrants who have attempted to register to vote or have unlawfully voted in American elections. Illegal immigrants have no right to vote in American elections, and those who are found guilty of attempting to register to vote or actually voting in our elections must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Regrettably, it appears that Attorney General Garland and the Department of Justice have taken little – if any – action to protect the integrity of our elections. The DOJ must do more to prevent illegal immigrants from voting in our elections and hold those who violate our laws accountable.

Keeping noncitizens and illegal immigrants from unlawfully voting is the least we can do to secure our elections. As a strong advocate for border security and election integrity, I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure that only American citizens vote in American elections.