Woodbury County Prepares for June 4th, 2024 General Primary Election


     (SB) - The countdown has begun for the much-anticipated General Primary Election scheduled for June 4th, 2024. The Woodbury County Elections Office is gearing up to ensure a smooth and efficient voting process.
     The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., providing ample time for residents to cast their votes1. The county has made available sample ballots for the Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian primary elections1, allowing voters to familiarize themselves with the candidates and issues ahead of time.
     As of April 4, 2024, Woodbury County has a total of 63,384 registered voters. The breakdown of voter registration shows 23,510 Republicans, 21,540 No Party, 17,791 Democrats, 406 Libertarians, and 137 others.
     The Woodbury County Elections Office, located at 620 Douglas St Rm 103, Sioux City, IA, 511012, is responsible for every aspect of conducting the election, from voter registration to the final count of the votes. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
     Residents looking to register to vote or seeking more information about the upcoming election are encouraged to visit the Woodbury County Elections Website https://elections.woodburycountyiowa.gov/ or call the elections office at (712) 279-6465.