City of Salix Special Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


City of Salix, Iowa
June 25, 2024
Mayor Nelson opened the special meeting of the Salix City Council at 6:00pm on Tuesday, June 25th, 2024. Council members present: Karen Allen, Nick Black, Denise Burkhart, Emily Clayton, and Cindy VanAuken. Others present: Kathy Brouillette, Chad Kehrt(V&K) and Jim Hudson.
· The council reviewed several questions with drainage lawyer, Jim Hudson, who attended via conference call.
· Black motioned to approve the Farmer’s Drainage District Agreement which allows the city to pump stormwater into Lateral H only after receiving permission to do so from the district’s Engineer or chairman. The city will pay the Farmer’s Drainage District $7000 per year for 5 years beginning 12/31/24 for the district’s maintenance and repair. VanAuken seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
· The following claims were approved on motion from Burkhart. Clayton seconded. All ayes, motion carried. CHN…garbage and spring cleanup…$3367.96, D.J. GONGOL & ASSOCIATES…east lift station parts…$298.47, EFTPS…taxes…$1543.49, IPERS…retirement…$965.08, MENARDS…pole hole digger and supplies…$286.04, SALIX FIRE DEPT…electric…$28.20, SIOUXLAND DISTRICT HEALTH…testing…$14.00, STATE WITHHOLDING…taxes…$486.65, PAYROLL…$2540.39. FUND TOTALS: GEN: $6,247.21, ROAD USE: $936.24, WATER: $1,322.14, SEWER: $1,024.69
The meeting was adjourned at 7:31pm on motion from Clayton and seconded by Burkhart.
Kevin Nelson, Mayor
Kathy Brouillette, Clerk
Published in the Sergeant Bluff Advocate weekly newspaper, Thursday, July 4, 2024. The SB-Advocate is the Official Newspaper for the City of Salix and is an Official Woodbury County Newspaper. (07/04/2024/NP)