Be it enacted by the City Council of the City of Sergeant Bluff, Iowa:
     SECTION 1.  SECTION MODIFIED.  Chapter 112, Section 05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sergeant Bluff, Iowa is repealed and the following adopted in lieu thereof:
     112.05 RATES.  Standard electric service for permanent residential and non-residential users shall be furnished in accordance with the following monthly schedules effective on bill due in August 2023.  
     1. Residential Rate:  The Residential rate applies to an individually metered, single-family dwelling where the primary energy use is for domestic, non-commercial purposes.
Without Load Management: Summer Winter
Effective on bill due in September 2024  (June-September)   (October-May)
Service Charge, per month                               $21.86                           $21.86
Energy Charge
First 800 kWh used, per month                    $0.0936  /kWh         $0.0936  /kWh
Excess used, per month                                      $0.0936  /kWh         $0.0827  /kWh
With Load Management:                                      Summer                        Winter
Effective on bill due in September 2024     (June-September)    (October-May)
Service Charge, per month                                  $21.86                            $21.86
Energy Charge
First 800 kWh used, per month                        $0.0917  /kWh          $0.0917  /kWh
Excess used, per month                                          $0.0917  /kWh          $0.0807  /kWh
Load Management Credit, per month           $4.50                               $0.00
     2. Small General Service Rate:  The Small General Service rate is for nonresidential customers with monthly metered loads of less than 10,000 kWh per month for more than 6 times in the last 12-month billing period or monthly metered demands of less than 75 kW for more than 2 months in the last 12-month billing period.
Without Load Management:                                  Summer                        Winter
Effective on bill due in September 2024         (June-September)    (October-May)
Service Charge, per month                                     $38.24                             $38.24
Energy Charge
First 750 kWh used, per month                           $0.0999 /kWh           $0.0999 /kWh
Next 7000 kWh used, per month                       $0.0999 /kWh           $0.0999 /kWh
Excess used, per month                                            $0.0999 /kWh          $0.0890 /kWh
With Load Management:                                         Summer                         Winter
Effective on bill due in September 2024        (June-September)    (October-May)
Service Charge, per month                                    $38.24                            $38.24
Energy Charge
First 750 kWh used, per month                          $0.0966 /kWh          $0.0966 /kWh
Next 7000 kWh used, per month                       $0.0966 /kWh          $0.0966 /kWh
Excess used, per month                                           $0.0966 /kWh           $0.0858 /kWh
Load Management Credit, per month             $4.50                               $0.00
     A Small General Service customer may elect to be billed using a demand meter.  The Small General Service customer must notify the City in writing and install a demand meter at the customer’s expense.  The customer’s account shall thereafter be billed on the General Service Demand rate for a minimum of 12 full months.  After a minimum of 12 months, the customer may request in writing to be billed under another applicable rate.  For customers who elect to stop using the demand meter, the cost paid by the customer for the demand meter will not be refunded.  The demand meter shall remain the property of the City of Sergeant Bluff.  A demand meter will be installed on a Small General Service account that has used over 10,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) in any 6 months in the last 12 months billed and the account shall be billed at the General Service Demand rate for a minimum of 12 months.  After a minimum of 12 months, the customer may request in writing to be billed under another applicable rate.
     3. General Service Demand Rate:  The General Service Demand rate is for customers using in excess of 10,000 kWh per month for more than 6 times in the last 12-month billing period or monthly metered demands of in excess of 75 kW for more than 2 months in the last 12-month billing period.
General Service Demand Rate:                                Summer                            Winter
Effective on bill due in September 2024       (June-September)      (October-May)
Service Charge, per month                                   $109.27                             $109.27
Demand, per month                                                  $19.11                                 $16.94
Energy Charge, all kWh used, per month      $0.0509 /kWh             $0.0466 /kWh
     Minimum Bill/Transformer Charges:  The minimum bill shall be the Service Charge plus the billing Demand Charge, but not less than the Service Charge plus the applicable Transformer Charge from the table below.
Transformer SizeTransformer Charge for Minimum Bill
500 kVA to 999 kVA                          $300.00
1,000 kVA to 1,499 kVA                   $400.00
1,500 kVA and above                         $500.00
     4. For purposes of this ordinance, “Summer” shall mean that period of time in which electric services are provided and billed during the months of June, July, August and September and “Winter” shall mean that period of time in which electrical services are provided and billed during the months of October, November, December, January, February, March, April, and May.
     5. Power Cost Adjustment (PCA):  A PCA shall apply so that significant increases or decreases in wholesale power to the City may, at the City Council’s discretion, be passed on to the customer.  The PCA charge per kWh and the billing periods of application will be recommended by the utility staff for approval by the City Council on an as-needed basis.
     6. Area and Street Lighting Rate:  An Area Lighting rate shall be applied to an existing metered account for any customer to light an area of an existing meter service location agreeable to the City, for which City lamps with photocell dusk-to-dawn control are installed on City poles.  A Street Lighting Rate shall apply to services provided by public agencies that conform to the City’s street lighting specifications.  A monthly fee will be assessed for each lamp set according to the type of lamp. 
Area and Street Lighting Rate:
Effective on bill due in August 2023 $ Per Lamp Per Month
Flood LED Security$10.00
Solid State LED Security$7.50
175 Mercury Vapor Security *$7.50
250 Metal Halide Security *$7.50
100 High Pressure Sodium Security $5.60
* No new fixtures of these types will be permitted.  Service will continue to be provided only to existing fixtures of these types.  
     7.   Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT):  A PILOT of 5 percent is included in each of the rates included herein.  The 5 percent PILOT shall be transferred annually from the gross receipts of the electric fund.
     8. City Administration Fee:  A surcharge of 5 percent is included in each of the rates included herein.  The 5 percent City Administration Fee shall be transferred annually from the gross receipts of the electric fund.
     9. To qualify for the “With Load Management” rate, the customer must agree to the installation of a direct load control switch on its primary source of space conditioning (generally a central air conditioner) during the summer months.  Customer agrees to permit the City to access its premises for purposes of installation of the switch.  Any tampering with the switch by the customer can result in termination of the customer’s participation in the load management program and a surcharge equal to the discount the customer received for the period it can be demonstrated that the tampering occurred.
     10. Solar Generation Metering: Per the Service Rules of the Municipal Electric Utility, any customer who installs a solar system that is connected to the City's power grid shall provide a meter socket for the City to install a generation meter which is provided by the City's Electric Wholesale Provider. The purpose of the generation meter is to record the data necessary to determine the net generator power output of the solar system. The customer shall be billed the monthly solar generation meter reading fee incurred by the City from its Electric Wholesale Provider. The City's utility billing department shall provide written notice of the Solar Generation Metering monthly rate at the time of original installation of the solar system, or at least thirty (30) days in advance of the billing for an existing system.
     SECTION 2.  REPEALER.  All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of the ordinance are hereby repealed.  In all other respects, the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sergeant Bluff, Iowa shall remain in effect.
     SECTION 3.  SEVERABILITY CLAUSE.  If any section, provision, or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional.
     SECTION 4.  WHEN EFFECTIVE.  This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its final passage and approval and publication as provided by law.  Passed by the City Council of the City of Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, on the 25th  day of June 2024, and approved this 25th day of June, 2024.
Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem
City Clerk
First Reading: May 28, 2024Vote for passage: 5-0
Second Reading: June 11, 2024Vote for passage: 5-0
Third Reading: June 25, 2024Vote for passage: 5-0
Passed, Approved, and Adopted June 25, 2024.
I, Danny Christoffers, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing was published as Ordinance No. 752 the 4th day of July, 2024.
City Clerk
Published in the Sergeant Bluff Advocate weekly newspaper, Thursday, July 04, 2024. The SB-Advocate is the Official Newspaper for the City of Sergeant Bluff and is an Official Woodbury County newspaper. (07/04/2024/NP)