Sergeant Bluff-Luton Community School District Regular Board Meeting

07/11/2024 07:00 AM

Sergeant Bluff-Luton Regular Board Meeting
07/11/2024 07:00 AM
201 Port Neal Road, Sergeant Bluff, IA 51054
Elementary (3-5) School Art Room
Mission Statement
In partnership with parents and the community, the SB-L Schools will challenge students to take personal responsibility for their education and to apply their learning to a diverse and changing world.
Voting Members
Matt Britton, Vice President
Tammy Matthey, Board Director
Lillyan Rodriguez, Board Director
Jeff Wright, President
Jason Gehling, Board Director
1.Call to Order
The regular July 2024 meeting of the Sergeant Bluff-Luton Board of Education was called to order by President Jeff Wright at 7:00 a.m.    The meeting was held in the Elementary School Art Room.
2.Approval of the Agenda
Motion made by: Tammy Matthey
Motion seconded by: Jason Gehling
Unanimously Approved
3.Welcome Visitors & Guests
President Wright welcomed the visitors and asked if anyone present wished to address the board. 
Mrs Huju, Middle School Teacher, addressed the board. 
  4. Approval of minutes from the previous meetings
The minutes of the meetings from June 2024 were reviewed by the board.
Motion made by: Lillyan Rodriguez
Motion seconded by: Tammy Matthey
Unanimously Approved
5.Approval of the Secretary’s Monthly Reports
Motion made by: Matt Britton
Motion seconded by: Jason Gehling
Unanimously Approved
6.Approval of Current Bills
The current bills were reviewed by the board.  
Motion made by: Matt Britton
Motion seconded by: Jason Gehling
Matt Britton - Yes
Tammy Matthey - Abstain
Lillyan Rodriguez - Yes
Jeff Wright - Yes
Jason Gehling - Yes
Mr. Janzen recognized the softball team as the conference champs.
  8. Action Items
Recommendation to approve the new resignations as presented: 
• Zyzda, Rylie - Kindergarten Teacher
• Castillo, Norma - Bus Driver
Motion made by: Jason Gehling
Motion seconded by: Matt Britton
Unanimously Approved
b.New contracts
Recommendation to approve the new contracts as presented: 
• Adams, Tasha - High School Health Science Teacher BA Step 6 $58,717
• Lendt, John - Shared Maintenance with AEA - $65,000
• Ellington, Alicia - High School Associate Level 4 $16.65
• Olivares, Michelle - Elementary School Associate (Square 1) Level 5 $16.85
• Heald, Angela - Elementary School Associate Level 5 $16.85
• Williams, Holly - Elementary School Associate Level 5 $16.85
• Hernandez, Angelica - Primary School Associate Level 4 $16.65
• Lambertsen, Kenzee - Daycare Level 5 $16.20
• Rojo, Kasaundra - Daycare Level 4 $16.00
Motion made by: Tammy Matthey
Motion seconded by: Matt Britton
Unanimously Approved
c.Approve High School Assistant Principal/AD Contract
Motion to approve the hiring of Bob Hayes on an interim basis at a $100,000 salary as the High School Asst Principal/AD for one year.
Motion made by: Matt Britton
Motion seconded by: Tammy Matthey
Unanimously Approved
d.Open Enrollment for Denial
Motion to deny the list of open enrollments provided due to class sizes.
Motion made by: Jason Gehling
Motion seconded by: Lillyan Rodriguez
Unanimously Approved
e.Voluntary Preschool Grant Contract with Bluff’s Little Thinkers
Motion to approve the Voluntary Preschool Grant Contract with Community Based Partner:  Bluff’s Little Thinkers.
Motion made by: Jason Gehling
Motion seconded by: Lillyan Rodriguez
Matt Britton - Yes
Tammy Matthey - Abstain
Lillyan Rodriguez - Yes
Jeff Wright - Yes
Jason Gehling - Yes
Motion to approve the hand books as presented.
Motion made by: Lillyan Rodriguez
Motion seconded by: Matt Britton
Unanimously Approved
g.G.O. Bond Petition
Motion to approve the scope of the project and the General Obligation Bond Petition language.
Motion made by: Tammy Matthey
Motion seconded by: Matt Britton
Unanimously Approved
h.Maintenance Sharing Agreement with AEA
Motion to approve the agreement to share a maintenance director with the Northwest AEA as presented.
Motion made by: Jason Gehling
Motion seconded by: Lillyan Rodriguez
Unanimously Approved
i.Wind/Hail Insurance Deductible
Board discussion took place.  No motion made.
j.3 Year Maintenance Agreement
Motion to approve the 3-year maintenance agreement with Suter.  The board reserves the right to seek bids for projects over the bidding threshold per board policy.
Motion made by: Tammy Matthey
Motion seconded by: Lillyan Rodriguez
Unanimously Approved
9.Superintendent Report
a.Safe School Helpline
Mr. Janzen discussed a company called Security Voice, Inc. that provides an anonymous helpline for students, parents and families.  It was recommenced that information be provided to the students on when and how to use this service.
b.Facility Planning Update
Mr. Janzen provided an update on the facilities.
Adjourn at 7:56 a.m.
Motion made by: Jason Gehling
Motion seconded by: Tammy Matthey
Unanimously Approved
Board President
Board Secretary
Published in the Sergeant Bluff Advocate weekly newspaper, Thursday, July 18, 2024. The SB-Advocate is the Official Newspaper for the Sergeant Bluff-Luton CSD and is an Official Woodbury County newspaper. (07/18/2024/NP)